On this page

Klimate Contacts

Erik Wihlborg / CCO

✉️ [email protected]

Yasmine Rocco / Carbon Removal Specialist

✉️ [email protected]

Tim Nicol / Carbon Removal Specialist

✉️ [email protected]

Kathryn Flynn / Communication Specialist

✉️ [email protected]

Projects & Methods

<aside> 📌 In this database, you’ll have information on all the various carbon removal projects that your company has invested into.

*Active Portfolio: Under this tab, you’ll find active within your carbon removal portfolio and detailed information on the different methods.
Historical: Any carbon removal portfolio is regularly updated with new projects that can take place of existing projects. To keep a log of information, within this tab you’ll find projects that have been previously invested into through your carbon removal program.

Please always credit the photo source if using images from projects (e.g. Ruumi.io)*



<aside> 💡 Public portfolio link: https://registry.klimate.co/client-orders/DO1000482 ****Here you will find the portfolio you have invested into, distribution across methods and projects, a direct link to the proof of purchase for each type of credit, and a downloadable certificate for the purchase of carbon removal. (The link can be viewed by anyone that has access to it.)


About Klimate

Klimate is a climate tech start-up founded in 2021 with its headquarters in Copenhagen, Denmark.

Klimate was founded on the realisation that a lot of good money is being wasted on bad offsets. This is wasteful at best, and greenwashing at worst. We’ve made it our mission to help companies do better when they do good.

Klimate provides access to high-quality, innovative, and verifiable carbon removal solutions aligned with science.

Klimate’s core purpose is to scale and accelerate the development of carbon removal methods and technologies needed to achieve the targets set forth by the Paris Agreement.

We are a small team of professionals dedicated to making a dent in the climate challenge. We each have our own specialities but are all motivated by the same thing: using business and technology to make a positive impact on reducing climate change.

Klimate sources, analyses, and finances carbon removal projects from all over the world to support and scale the best solutions. Klimate’s portfolios include various carbon removal methods, from planting trees in a forest to more complex Direct Air Capture projects.

Offset market & carbon removal market

A carbon offset is a reduction or removal of emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere. Offsets are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO₂e). One ton of carbon offset represents the reduction or removal of one ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.

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Design & Communication Guide

<aside> ❗ If you need to share any material from Klimate or if you would like to add information about Klimate in your website, you can find below our logos, fonts and relevant images. Please note that if the images are used in print, online, or in any professional capacity, photo credit to Klimate.co is required.


Klimate Design Kit

Klimate Communications & Brand Guide

Carbon Removal FAQ

Carbon Removal

Due Diligence